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Psychiatry Investig > Volume 20(9); 2023 > Article
Song, Yun, Ahn, and Choi: Corrigendum: Correction of Title and Table 1 in the Article “Validating a Korean Version of the Single-Item Burnout Measure for Evaluating Burnout Among Doctors”
Psychiatry Investig 2023;20(7):681-688
A minor change is required in the Title and Table 1 for the article entitled “Validating a Korean Version of the Single-Item Burnout Measure for Evaluating Burnout Among Doctors” published in July 25, 2023 issue of Psychiatry Investigation. The authors apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused.
The Title should be corrected as follows:
Validation of the Korean Version of the Single-Item Burnout Measure
In Table 1 of this article, the word “Ph.D” should be corrected “PHD”. The Table 1 should be corrected as follows:

Table 1.
Demographic and employment related information
Variable Value (N=294)
Gender, male 294 (100.0)
 25-29 yr 134 (45.6)
 30-40 yr 160 (54.4)
Marital status
 Unmarried 221 (75.2)
 Married 73 (24.8)
Type of residence
 Living alone 207 (70.4)
 Living with family 82 (27.9)
 Living with and acquaintance 5 (1.7)
 Catholicism 18 (6.1)
 Christianity 65 (22.1)
 Buddhism 16 (5.4)
 Other religions 2 (0.7)
 Have no religion 193 (65.6)
Medical training prior to becoming PHD
 General practitioner 166 (56.5)
 Intern 69 (23.5)
 Specialist 59 (20.1)
Duration of experience for PHD duty
 1 yr 74 (25.2)
 2 yr 115 (39.1)
 3 yr 105 (35.7)

Values are presented as number (%). PHD, public health doctor


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