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Copyright Transfer Form

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Copyright transfer and publication agreement

In order to publish your article we need your agreement in writing. Please take a moment to read the terms of this agreement, sign the form.

Name of journal: Psychiatry Investigation
Name and address of publisher: Korean Neuropsychiatric Association.RN 522,
G-five Central Plaza 1685-8 Seocho 4-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-882, Korea,
Tel: +82-2-717-0892

Title of article:________________________________
Name(s) of author(s):

(1) By signing this form, you (the author(s) or other copyright owner) hereby transfer your copyright to us (the publisher). If you do not own the copyright yourself, the copyright owner (e.g. your employer) should sign the form.

(2) In particular, this means that you grant us the exclusive right, for the full term of copyright and any renewals/extensions thereof, both to reproduce and/or distribute your article (in whole or in part) ourselves throughout the world in printed, electronic or any other medium, and in turn to authorise others (including reproduction rights organisations such as the Copyright Licensing Agency and the Copyright Clearance Center) to do the same. (If you receive any direct requests for permission to use your article, please contact the journal office.)

(3) You agree that we may publish your article in the journal named above, and that we may sell or distribute it within that publication, on its own, or with other related material. You agree that we may post your article on our website, on its own, or with other related material. In turn, we agree to publish your article at our expense.

(4) You warrant (i.e. promise) that the article is your original work, has not previously been published, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. If it contains material that is someone else's copyright, you promise that you have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner (please attach evidence of this) and that the material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text. You also promise that the article does not, to the best of your knowledge, contain anything that is libellous, illegal, or infringes anyone's copyright or other rights.

(5) We promise that we will respect your right as the author(s). That is, we will make sure that your name(s) is/are always clearly associated with the article and, while you do allow us to make necessary editorial changes, we will not make any substantial alteration to your article without consulting you. We will do everything we reasonably can to maximise the visibility of the publication and of your article within it.

(6) Copyright is transferred to us, and we will indicate this in the copyright line that appears in the journal. However, we grant back to you the right to use your own article (provided you acknowledge the published original in standard bibliographic citation form) in the following ways, as long as you do not sell it (or give it away) in ways which would conflict directly with our business interests. You are free to use your article for teaching purposes within your own institution or, in whole or in part, as the basis for your own further publications or spoken presentations. Distribution for the purposes of marketing a product is expressly excluded from this permission.

(7) We will keep the information you have provided for record purposes; you permit your name and address to be reproduced in the journal and on indexing and abstracting and bibliographic services. Your details will not be used for any other purpose.

(8) If requested by the editors, authors will provide the data or will cooperate fully in obtaining and providing the data on which manuscript is based for examination by the editors or their assignees.

Note: Authors must sign this form, or a copy of it.

Signature(s) of author(s)

  • Journal Impact Factor 1.8
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Editorial Office
#522, 27, Seochojungang-ro 24-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06601, Korea
Tel: +82-2-717-0892    E-mail:                

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