Psychiatry Investig Search


Psychiatry Investigation 2005;2(2):60-9.
The Development of the Korean Medication Algorithm for Major Depressive Disorder
Min-Soo Lee, MD, PhD1;Se-Won Lim, MD1;Ji-Hyun Cha, MD1;Sang-Keun Chung, MD, PhD2;Kwang-Su Kim, MD, PhD3;Siegfried Kasper, MD4; and the Executive Committee for the Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Major Depressive Disorder;
1;Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea University, 2;Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Chonbuk University, Chonju, 3;Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, 4;Departmen
<p class="MsoPlainText" style="word-spacing: 1; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="left"><font face="HY중고딕" size="2">There are many differences in the biological characteristics, clinical situations, and medical insurance systems between ethnic groups or countries. Consequently, there is a need for a specific Korean algorithm for the treatment of major depressive disorder. Therefore, the Korean society of depressive and bipolar disorder decided to develop the Korean Medication Algorithm for Major Depressive Disorder (KMA-MDD). The Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Major Depressive Disorder (KMAP-MDD) was designed with the goal of developing: 1) ideal algorithm, 2) Korean algorithm, 3) medication algorithm, 4) evidence-based and formal consensus algorithm. After collecting and reviewing many articles and reports by the evidence-based rule, we constructed a survey questionnaire designed to obtain the formal consensus of Korean experts. By employing panels of experts to review the collected evidences and survey results thoroughly, we used evidence based algorithm development as a component of the formal consensus development process. The KMA-MDD consists of two algorithms: one for major depressive disorder without psychotic features and the other for major depressive disorder with psychotic features. Clinical guidelines for the implementation of KMA-MDD were also developed. The KMA-MDD provides specific treatment strategies for each stage. The KMA-MDD is the first Korean algorithm for the treatment of major depressive disorder. It is based on evidence supporting the efficacy of each treatment modality and has obtained the consensus of Korean experts. We hope that the KMA-MDD will be a good practical tool for clinicians who treat major depressive disorder in Korea.

Key words   Korean medication algorithm;Major depressive disorder.


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