The Economic Impact of Providing Evidence-Based Pediatric Mental Health Literacy Training to Primary Care Physicians
Eden McCaffrey, Samuel Chang, Geraldine Farrelly, Abdul Rahman, Blair Ritchie, Roxanne Goldade, David Cawthorpe
Psychiatry Investig. 2021;18(7):695-700. Published online 2021 Jul 22 DOI:
Enhancing Pediatric Mental Health Care in an Outpatient Primary Care Setting Using the Keep Your Children/Yourself Safe and Secure (KySS) Program: A Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Project
Sarah Rust-Overman, Jacqueline Hoying, Loraine Sinnott, Rosie Zeno, Janine Overcash
Journal of Pediatric Health Care.2024; 38(1): 5. CrossRef Modelling the Clinical and Economic Impacts of Foundation-Funded versus Staff-Driven Quality Improvement Mental Health Strategies
Eden McCaffrey, David Cawthorpe
Qeios.2023;[Epub] CrossRef