Predictors of Habitual and Addictive Smartphone Behavior in Problematic Smartphone Use
Jihwan Park, Jo-Eun Jeong, Mi Jung Rho
Psychiatry Investig. 2021;18(2):118-125.   Published online 2021 Feb 2     DOI:
Psychological Compensation or Drinking Poison to Quench Thirst: The Dual Effects of Smartphone Use Habits on Depression in Chinese Left-Behind Adolescents
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Social anxiety and smartphone addiction among college students: the mediating role of depressive symptoms
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The influence of maternal and paternal phubbing on adolescents’ problematic gaming: A two-wave mediation model
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Preference for Smartphone-Based Internet Applications and Smartphone Addiction Among Young Adult Addicts: Gender Difference in Psychological Network
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Longitudinal relationship between parental and adolescent smartphone addiction: serial mediating effects of adolescent self-esteem and depression
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AI alignment: Assessing the global impact of recommender systems
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The Relationship between Reasons for Smartphone Use, Addictive Use Tendencies, Fear of Missing Out, Depression, and Life Satisfaction: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
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Sports and exercise‐related smartphone use is antagonistic to hedonic use in regular exercisers: A cross‐sectional study examining the roles of exercise frequency and duration
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Less smartphone and more physical activity for a better work satisfaction, motivation, work-life balance, and mental health: An experimental intervention study
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Cultivating Classroom Connectivity: Navigating the Role of Cell Phones in Education
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Identifying the impact of WeChat interaction on college adjustment and academic performance among freshmen: The mediator role school connectedness
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The Impact of Parental Depression on Children’s Smartphone Addiction: A Serial Mediation Model With Parental Neglect and Children’s Self-Esteem
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A bidirectional association between smartphone addiction and depression among college students: A cross-lagged panel model
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Research for self-reported health problems after excessive talking time on mobile phones among university students
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Association between Problematic Use of Smartphones and Mental Health in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: A Systematic Review
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Suffering from problematic smartphone use? Why not use grayscale setting as an intervention! – An experimental study
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Effect of Social Loneliness on Tourist Happiness: A Mediation Analysis Based on Smartphone Usage
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Associations of Death Anxiety, Inclusion of Smartphone in the Self, and Affiliation Motivation with Smartphone use and Addiction: A Multiple Mediation Study
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Pattern of smartphone use, prevalence and correlates of problematic use of smartphone and social media among school going adolescents
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Effects of childhood adversity on smartphone addiction: The multiple mediation of life history strategies and smartphone use motivations
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Understanding Technology’s Impact on Youth: Attachment Theory as a Framework for Conceptualizing Adolescents’ Relationship with Their Mobile Devices
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Problematic Smartphone Use and Its Associations with Sexual Minority Stressors, Gender Nonconformity, and Mental Health Problems among Young Adult Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals in Taiwan
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Differentiating Problematic from Habitual Instagram Use: A Uses and Grats 2.0 Perspective
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Smartphone Usage before and during COVID-19: A Comparative Study Based on Objective Recording of Usage Data
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Perceived Challenges and Online Harms from Social Media Use on a Severity Continuum: A Qualitative Psychological Stakeholder Perspective
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Smartphone Use and Psychological Well-Being Among College Students in China: A Qualitative Assessment
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