Time to Take Sleeping Pills and Subjective Satisfaction among Cancer Patients
Soyoung Youn, Byeongil Choi, Suyeon Lee, Changnam Kim, Seockhoon Chung
Psychiatry Investig. 2020;17(3):249-255.   Published online 2020 Mar 5     DOI: https://doi.org/10.30773/pi.2019.0216
Circadian rhythm and body health: A review of the literatur
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Physiology and Pharmacology.2024; 28(3): 237.     CrossRef
Changes in Insomnia Severity are Associated With the Changes in Discrepancy Between Desired Time in Bed and Desired Total Sleep Time Among the General Population
Seockhoon Chung, Sohyeong Kim, Inn-Kyu Cho, Dongin Lee, Jiyoung Kim, Eulah Cho
Psychiatry Investigation.2023; 20(12): 1148.     CrossRef
Discrepancy Between Desired Time in Bed and Desired Total Sleep Time, Insomnia, Depression, and Dysfunctional Beliefs About Sleep Among the General Population
Joohee Lee, Inn-Kyu Cho, Kyumin Kim, Changnam Kim, C. Hyung Keun Park, Kikyoung Yi, Seockhoon Chung
Psychiatry Investigation.2022; 19(4): 281.     CrossRef
Reliability and Validity of Dysfunctional Beliefs About Sleep-2 (DBS-2), an Ultra-brief Rating Scale for Assessing Dysfunctional Thoughts About Sleep
Kyumin Kim, Seockhoon Chung, Eulah Cho, Jung Mun Choi, Dongin Lee, Inn-Kyu Cho
Sleep Medicine Research.2022; 13(3): 165.     CrossRef
How to Manage Insomnia and Sleep Disorders of Cancer Patients?
Seockhoon Chung
Journal of Sleep Medicine.2020; 17(1): 11.     CrossRef