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Effect of Personalized Blue-Enriched White Light Intervention on Rest–Activity and Light Exposure Rhythms in Mild and Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease
Seong Jae Kim, Jung Hie Lee, Jae-Won Jang, Sun Hee Lee, In Bum Suh, Jin Hyeong Jhoo
Psychiatry Investig. 2023;20(11):1007-1017.   Published online November 21, 2023
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Influence of Sensory Impairments on Incidence of Dementia in the Korean Population
Gyu han Oh, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Sang-a Park, Jae-Won Jang, Yeshin Kim, Young Min Choe, Gihwan Byeon
Psychiatry Investig. 2023;20(6):567-574.   Published online June 21, 2023
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Retraction to “Korean Version of Mini Mental Status Examination for Dementia Screening and Its Short Form”
Tae Hui Kim, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Joon Hyuk Park, Jeong Lan Kim, Seung Ho Ryu, Seok Woo Moon, Il Han Choo, Dong Woo Lee, Jong Chul Yoon, Yeon Ja Do, Seok Bum Lee, Moon Doo Kim, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2023;20(2):182-182.   Published online February 23, 2023
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Driving-Related Adverse Events in the Elderly Men: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study
Jae Sung Kim, Jong Bin Bae, Kyuhee Han, Jong Woo Hong, Ji Hyun Han, Tae Hui Kim, Kyung Phil Kwak, Kayoung Kim, Bong Jo Kim, Shin Gyeom Kim, Jeong Lan Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Seok Woo Moon, Jae Young Park, Joon Hyuk Park, Seonjeong Byun, Seung Wan Suh, Ji Young Seo, Yoonseop So, Seung-Ho Ryu, Jong Chul Youn, Kyoung Hwan Lee, Dong Young Lee, Dong-Woo Lee, Seok Bum Lee, Jung Jae Lee, Ju Ri Lee, Hyeon Jeong, Hyun-Ghang Jeong, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Ji Won Han, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2020;17(8):744-750.   Published online July 21, 2020
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Low Diastolic Blood Pressure and Cognitive Decline in Korean Elderly People: The Korean Longitudinal Study on Cognitive Aging and Dementia
Dongyun Lee, Bong-Jo Kim, Ji Won Han, Tae Hui Kim, Kyung Phil Kwak, Kayoung Kim, Shin Gyeom Kim, Jeong Lan Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Seok Woo Moon, Jae Young Park, Joon Hyuk Park, Seonjeong Byun, Seung Wan Suh, Ji Young Seo, Yoonseop So, Seung-Ho Ryu, Jong Chul Youn, Kyoung Hwan Lee, Dong Young Lee, Dong Woo Lee, Seok Bum Lee, Jung Jae Lee, Ju Ri Lee, Hyeon Jeong, Hyun-Ghang Jeong, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Kyuhee Han, Jong Woo Hong, Jong Bin Bae, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2020;17(1):21-28.   Published online January 25, 2020
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Anhedonia and Dysphoria Are Differentially Associated with the Risk of Dementia in the Cognitively Normal Elderly Individuals: A Prospective Cohort Study
Ju Ri Lee, Seung Wan Suh, Ji Won Han, Seonjeong Byun, Soon Jai Kwon, Kyoung Hwan Lee, Kyung Phil Kwak, Bong Jo Kim, Shin Gyeom Kim, Jeong Lan Kim, Tae Hui Kim, Seung-Ho Ryu, Seok Woo Moon, Joon Hyuk Park, Dong-Woo Lee, Jong Chul Youn, Dong Young Lee, Seok Bum Lee, Jung Jae Lee, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2019;16(8):575-580.   Published online August 21, 2019
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Normal-But-Low Serum Folate Levels and the Risks for Cognitive Impairment
Soomin Jang, Ji Won Han, Jiyoon Shin, Tae Hui Kim, Kyung Phil Kwak, Kayoung Kim, Bong Jo Kim, Shin Gyeom Kim, Jeong Lan Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Seok Woo Moon, Jae Young Park, Joon Hyuk Park, Seonjeong Byun, Seung Wan Suh, Jiyeong Seo, Yoonseop So, Seung-Ho Ryu, Jong Chul Youn, Kyoung Hwan Lee, Dong Young Lee, Dong Woo Lee, Seok Bum Lee, Jung Jae Lee, Ju Ri Lee, Hyeon Jeong, Hyun-Ghang Jeong, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Kyuhee Han, Jong Woo Hong, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2019;16(7):532-538.   Published online July 25, 2019
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Overview of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Cognitive Aging and Dementia
Ji Won Han, Tae Hui Kim, Kyung Phil Kwak, Kayoung Kim, Bong Jo Kim, Shin Gyeom Kim, Jeong Lan Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Seok Woo Moon, Jae Young Park, Joon Hyuk Park, Seonjeong Byun, Seung Wan Suh, Ji Young Seo, Yoonseop So, Seung-Ho Ryu, Jong Chul Youn, Kyoung Hwan Lee, Dong Young Lee, Dong Woo Lee, Seok Bum Lee, Jung Jae Lee, Ju Ri Lee, Hyeon Jeong, Hyun-Ghang Jeong, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Kyuhee Han, Jong Woo Hong, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2018;15(8):767-774.   Published online August 9, 2018
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Prevalence and Risk Factors of Abusive Behaviors in the Caregivers of People with Dementia in Korea
Taehyun Kim, Hyeon Jeong, Ji Won Han, Kyung Phil Kwak, Bong-Jo Kim, Shin-Kyeom Kim, Jeong Lan Kim, Tae Hui Kim, Seung-Ho Ryu, Seok Woo Moon, Jae Young Park, Joon Hyuk Park, Jae Nam Bae, Jong Chul Youn, Dong Young Lee, Dong Woo Lee, Seok Bum Lee, Jung Jae Lee, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Jungwon Lee, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2018;15(7):677-686.   Published online July 4, 2018
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A Normative Study of the Disability Assessment for Dementia in Community-Dwelling Elderly Koreans
Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Yeon Kyung Chi, Hyo Jung Choi, Ji Won Han, Tae Hui Kim, Jung Jae Lee, Seok Bum Lee, Joon Hyuk Park, Jong Chul Youn, Jeong Lan Kim, Seung-Ho Ryu, Dong Young Lee, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2014;11(4):446-453.   Published online October 20, 2014
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Improvement of Screening Accuracy of Mini-Mental State Examination for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Non-Alzheimer's Disease Dementia by Supplementation of Verbal Fluency Performance
Jee Wook Kim, Dong Young Lee, Eun Hyun Seo, Bo Kyung Sohn, Young Min Choe, Shin Gyeom Kim, Shin Young Park, IL Han Choo, Jong Chul Youn, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Ki Woong Kim, Jong Inn Woo
Psychiatry Investig. 2014;11(1):44-51.   Published online January 21, 2014
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A Normative Study of the Digit Span in an Educationally Diverse Elderly Population
Hyo Jung Choi, Dong Young Lee, Eun Hyun Seo, Min Kyung Jo, Bo Kyung Sohn, Young Min Choe, Min Soo Byun, Jee Wook Kim, Shin Gyeom Kim, Jong Choul Yoon, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Ki Woong Kim, Jong Inn Woo
Psychiatry Investig. 2014;11(1):39-43.   Published online October 16, 2013
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Validation of the Dementia Care Assessment Packet-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Seok Bum Lee, Jeong Ran Park, Jeong-Hwa Yoo, Joon Hyuk Park, Jung Jae Lee, Jong Chul Yoon, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Dong Young Lee, Jong Inn Woo, Ji Won Han, Yoonseok Huh, Tae Hui Kim, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2013;10(3):238-245.   Published online September 16, 2013
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Korean Version of Mini Mental Status Examination for Dementia Screening and Its' Short Form
Tae Hui Kim, Jin Hyeong Jhoo, Joon Hyuk Park, Jeong Lan Kim, Seung Ho Ryu, Seok Woo Moon, Il Han Choo, Dong Woo Lee, Jong Chul Yoon, Yeon Ja Do, Seok Bum Lee, Moon Doo Kim, Ki Woong Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2010;7(2):102-108.   Published online April 6, 2010
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